Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why would anyone do that

I really really really do not get it. Why do people continually go on stupid reality shows to find love? It's amazing to me that people actually think they will fall in love competing against others. Take the bachelor for example. These women go on this show telling America how much they love this person who they only see for like an hour a day because he's to busy all over 29 other woman. What, do they think were stupid, you and i both know there only on that show for their 15 minutes of fame, money, and in hopes to be on a show like i love money (which is a show about reality show stars competing for more money. I'm telling you thats event television right there.)

And the thing that blows my mind is when people go on shows like Flavor of love 4, and Rock of Love (however many it's been) and think they will be the one. Ahhh, hello if they didn't find love within the first 5 seasons i really doubt they're going to now. Oh and Paris Hilton's my new BFF (which was gripping i was on the edge of my seat the whole time) yea who actually believes that she would ever see that person again after the show is over. I'm telling you it's just a matter of time when we see season two of that borderline amazing show and never see her called "best friend" again. I'm just really sick of these shows, and the people on them.


  1. I think maybe that people are just really desperate for attention

  2. People are desperate for attention. I mean why else would they make out with a man who has made out with 29 other people within the same day?? I mean that would totally gross me out. These shows are not even good. Like remember the moment of truth. That show was sooo annoying I couldn't stand watching it ever. I hope that someone with some common sense can make a good show.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. Everyone on these shows looks like complete trash. The girls are wannabe pornstars and the guys are fake thugs who are all trying to get their shot at fame. I don't understand how someone can claim to love someone that they barely get to spend time with one-on-one. It just doesn't work that way. Don't even get me started on I Love Money, I turn the channel immediately when it comes on. All of these people appear to be somewhat insane to me. I don't understand either.
