Thursday, February 12, 2009


Your outside walking on the sidewalk. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the wind is blowing and you see someone walking your way. You see that they have a stroller and there is not enough room on the sidewalk for both of you plus the oversized stroller, so you figure you will move on to the grass, it's the nice thing to do. As the lady is getting closer you start to move on to the grass, and once she starts to pass you, you figure that you will be nice and complement her on what a beautiful baby she has. She starts to pass and you peer into the stroller getting ready to complement her, when you stop and suddenly have nothing to say. she passes and you turn to watch her walk away with her stroller. Why you ask would you have nothing to say after looking into the stroller. Well maybe because it was not a baby at all. It was a dog...

We have all seen it, whether outside, at the mall, even at the grocery store, middle aged woman going through a mid life crisis walking there dogs in a stroller. Don't get me wrong, occasionally i think the whole dog with the clothes on and wearing little booties is cute, but come on, a stroller. Dogs were meant to walk around by themselves, thats why they have paws. Strollers for dogs is just the most ridiculous thong i've ever heard. What, you think walking is to hard for them? give me a break. You know what, if you have to have a stroller for your dog do it where there is miles of space, not where you will be pushing people out of the way or causing a big scene.

I just can't even fathom why anyone would make such a useless invention and even more appalling is that people would actually buy it and think there dog would appreciate it. Hey, it's called a leash people, dog's want to be walked.

1 comment:

  1. This post is really funny. Yes we have all seen it... The lady who happens to be obsessed with her dog. Treating a dog like a child is ridiculous to me. Dogs are animals and needed to be treated like animals. I do agree that dressing up dogs to a certain extent is ok. Do you remember the dog that ran around the airport in Miami. Well one of my moms closest friends adopted that dog. She was all over the news. This lady isn't married or doesnt have children. I was completely embarrassed when she was on the news telling the dog, "you have a grandma you don't even know about." She poceeded to tell the person interviewing her how the dogs grandma was going to spoil him rotten. I mean come on how embarassing, especially to know this person. In my opinion dogs should not be mistaken for children.
