Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ebay Epidemic

The best of times and the worst of times. Thats what comes to my mind when using ebay. Supposedly this is a very popular website. Well of coarse i knew that but the whole idea of buying something over the internet without seeing it really doesn't appeal to me. Until one day when my mom's friend told her that ebay was the best thing, you can get anything you would ever want and for a cheap price too. No kidding, it is a cheap price because the stuff is banged up and old right? Wrong. most of the stuff on there is brand new, and when creating an ebay account you are not allowed to sell messed up things without telling the person, it's a crime. Anyways so me and my mom decide to check it out. It really is a good site, we bought some books from there my mom got some jewelry its really good. But you need to know how to use it. Don't bid until the last 20 seconds by doing this you will most likely you will win it we learned this the hard way.

My mom was really excited to show me the necklace that she bidded on and she was the highest bidder. The auction closed sometime during the night and she went on in the morning to pay for what she thought she one. Probably 10 minutes after my mom bid some other person bid 30 cents higher. She lost the item and was so upset she started yelling at the computer and i couldn't help but laugh because it was so ridiculous as to why she was upset, i mean she didn't lose any money or anything. I guess it wasn't smart to laugh at her cause then she started yelling at me for laughing at her. Now if my mom is ever to buy something she waits until the last second to steal the item away from the hopeless person just like the man did to her, Karma mother. it is a good method though so if you were ever about to use ebay do this to ensure that you will win your prize. All in all it is a good site if you know how to use it and if won't get addicted in some weird way.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Swine Flew?

This whole thing with the "swine flu" is getting blown out of proportion. Don't get me wrong, i know it is dangerous and everything but people are acting like this has never happened before.
Every year hundreds of people die from the flu, it is just never talked about because they don't want to put people in a panic. Sure we need to take precautions as to not getting like wash your hands, but as you know, some people take it to another extreme. My teacher was just talking to her husband who was flying out from newyork to here and he said that people broght their own surgical masks to wear on the plane. Now i don't know about you but that just seems a little ridiculous. You may disagree with me but if you do get it by some chance there is a cure for it. The only reason why those people died in Mexico was because they don't have as good of health care there and some people probably couldn't get to a hospital. My of my family's said that she went to visit her family in homestead and when she got there she went to hug her family and they put the hands up and said "ah ah swine flu." This was there daughter and she wasn't even sick, they were just kidding around but some people actually take it this far. My question is do are all these precautions such as wearing masks necessary?

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Remember the old days when there was vcr's and the only way to record shows was on those big bulky tapes. I dont know about you but that seems so far away. Now we have DVR's and the Americans personal favorite, TIVO. Yep, good old TIVO, never lets you down. It is just so convienit, you know. No big bulky tapes to worry about, save you money by not having to buy them also, and no need to fill in the time to record and time to end. All you need to do with TIVO is type in the show you want to tape tell it if you want to tape the whole season or just that episode and its done. I don't know how anyone made it without it. I am just exgxerating but many people aren't. TIVO is one of the most popular electronic iteams out there now. I know that i would never catch the shows that i want to see if it wasn't for TIVO. But my question is, what does it say on us as Americans that we are dependent on things such as TIVO? While most of the world doesn't even have TIVO let alone TV, let alone electicity, let alone a house, are we so spoiled that the average American thinks it is so important to have a TIVO?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Of course...

During spring break my famliy and I went to Tradewinds Park. It is a bbeautiful park wit lots of nature and wildlife. Well this is how it happened, me and my two cousins were walking through the forest trying to find the bathroom. By the way i have no idea why the would put a bathroom were it was it was so inconvient, i dont know how they expect anyone to find it. Anyway we finally see the bathrooms which is right next to a paviloin where there is a group of people haveing party of some kind. So were walking out of the forest and almost to the bathroom when suddenly i walked right into a spider web. Oh My Gosh, i almost had a heartattack. You know all the storys of people walking in to spider webs how they say that they look like complete idiots flailing their arms trying to get it off while people are watching them do this confused because they dont see anything. Yeah i was one of those people I'm jumping around screaming telling them to get it off of me while everyone is just looking at me and not offering to help. Long story short, my two cousins, the whole party os people, and a couple other bystanders were cracking up at my little dance. My question is why? Why do spiders make their webs right across walk-ways? i mean you think they would learn not to do that anymore when they keep getting destoryed by people walking through them.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How nice are we...

Have you ever walked down the hallway and saw a confrontation between two people, and you know that it won't end well? If it ever happens to you watch what happens. It seems like people just come from no where and circle around the two people in hopes that a fight will break out. My question is why? Are you that desperate to be entertained that you will encourage two people you probablly don't even know to beat the crap out of eachother. Were not animals. Ok i have to admit that i have seen a couple of fights in my day, but i don't go around school looking for one. And the thing i think is halarious is when that big crowd forms and other kids see it and join it in hopes to see whats going on. Get real people im sure you wouldn't want the whole school in your personal business.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blue Ringed Octopus

This week in my marine science class we are doing a project on any sea animal. I got the pleasure of researching the Blue Ringed Octopus. Not a choice a would have made but my partner made it for us, and I'm happy to say that it was a good choice. I didn't know much about this animal, only that it had eight tentacles, and this not some thing to be proud of due to the fact that any kindergartener would know that. It turns out that there is alot more to thisanimal than meets the eye. I learnedsome very interesting facts over the last week and i would like to share them with you, your welcome.

  • The blue ringed octopus is born the size of a pea, and only grows to be a size of a golf ball, and by looking at the pictures online i would have never guessed that look...
  • Pretty colors right, wrong! By showing its blue ring that is a sign that it is pissed off. This is probably the last this that you will see if your close enough to see it.
  • Despite its small size this little guy really packs a punch. It is poisonous, in fact it is one of the most deadly creatures in the sea, huh. With one bite it can kill a grown human within minutes. There is no know antidote for venom the only thing that can save you is hours of heart massage. So don't get bite.
  • Blue Ring's are native to Pacific Ocean tide pools ranging from parts of Japan to Australia
  • They mostly feed on crabs, shrimp, and some small fish if they catch them.
  • Females usually give birth to about 50 eggs,and she nest them under her arm until there born. They dont eat the whole time that there waiting for them to hatch and once they do they females die, of course.
  • And the most interesting fact i think that i learned was they have 3 hearts, how do they fit 3 hearts in that tiny body.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wild Thing

Why do some people think that it is ok to have wild animals as pets. I know there cute and all but really. There called "wild animals" for a reason. Just because someone has money doesn't mean that there allowed to mess with nature. I have a friend that lives in sunshine ranches, and her neighbor owns two tigers. Not one but two. Some times when im over there we can hear them roar and i have to admit i was close to wetting my pants. What happens if one day they escape there cage and are just wandering the streets. No big deal whats the worst that can happen. Ahh i don't know maybe eat a few people!!! Why cant people just be happy with dogs or cats you know.