Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ebay Epidemic

The best of times and the worst of times. Thats what comes to my mind when using ebay. Supposedly this is a very popular website. Well of coarse i knew that but the whole idea of buying something over the internet without seeing it really doesn't appeal to me. Until one day when my mom's friend told her that ebay was the best thing, you can get anything you would ever want and for a cheap price too. No kidding, it is a cheap price because the stuff is banged up and old right? Wrong. most of the stuff on there is brand new, and when creating an ebay account you are not allowed to sell messed up things without telling the person, it's a crime. Anyways so me and my mom decide to check it out. It really is a good site, we bought some books from there my mom got some jewelry its really good. But you need to know how to use it. Don't bid until the last 20 seconds by doing this you will most likely you will win it we learned this the hard way.

My mom was really excited to show me the necklace that she bidded on and she was the highest bidder. The auction closed sometime during the night and she went on in the morning to pay for what she thought she one. Probably 10 minutes after my mom bid some other person bid 30 cents higher. She lost the item and was so upset she started yelling at the computer and i couldn't help but laugh because it was so ridiculous as to why she was upset, i mean she didn't lose any money or anything. I guess it wasn't smart to laugh at her cause then she started yelling at me for laughing at her. Now if my mom is ever to buy something she waits until the last second to steal the item away from the hopeless person just like the man did to her, Karma mother. it is a good method though so if you were ever about to use ebay do this to ensure that you will win your prize. All in all it is a good site if you know how to use it and if won't get addicted in some weird way.

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