Thursday, January 29, 2009


As promised i will be writing about situations that i really dont understand and will like to learn more about. Today i will be talking about sleepwalking, what it is, and why it occurs. First of all the dictionary definition of sleepwalking is "the act or state of walking, eating, or performing other motor acts while asleep, of which one is unaware upon awakening." Fascinating! Sleepwalkers often have a famliy history of sleepwalking. It can also be triggered by a fever, sickness, alcohol, sleep deprivation, and emotional stress. Sleepwalking is most common during the time of puberty, pregnancy, and menstruation.

Sleepwalkers tend not to remember anything that happens when they are in the middle of one. Usually a sleepwalker will be acting out a dream that they just had. Episoides tend to last from one to five minutes, but they can last up to an hour. Your behavior during these episodes can range from sitting on the edge of the bed, to going outside, to getting into a car. Pretty scary stuff, i wouldn't want to be caught outside in my pajamas, and especially not driving a car while im practically unconscious.

Although sleepwalking it self is not dangerous it can be in some cases. Of course there is the obvious walking into walls or in the middle of streets. There have been cases of sleepwalkers going off on people who try to wake them up because they get irritated. Usually treatment is not required for sleepwalking but in cases where it is frequent and violent medication can be prescribed.

For all of this information and more check out

Why this blog?

Seeing as i have to make a Blog for school why wouldn't i make it on a subject that interests me? What subject is that you say, well its the mysteries of life. Like what causes sleepwalking, and why do we do it. How about hiccups why do we have them, and why are they so hard to get rid of? You know these probably aren't mysteries at all. They all probably have a logical explaination, but they are things that i have always wondered about but never acually had or wanted the time to look up the answers.

But thanks to this assignment i am now forced to go find the answers. That was just the motivation i needed. Hopefully you will find my blog interesting and get as much out of it as i am, even if most of them are pointless questions. Maybe you will even consider following my blog, becuse it's kind of embrassing if no one wants to read yours. Sorry to all the people out there who's blog is like that, with only one veiw because the person clicked on your blog by accident. I hope mine doesn't turn out like that, but it will if i keep rambling like this.